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GluBoost Blog

3 Oct, 2023

Creating A Vintage Finish With Lac R’ Shot!


Prepare Surface – Use Fill n’ Finish and GluBoost GluDry for pore filling and as primer sealers. Adjust nozzle tip to pattern of your choice and spray Lac R’ Shot! evenly over surface evenly.Always wait 30 minutes between coats. Level using 400 grit sandpaper between coats and continue coverage applications until desired thickness is achieved. When coverage is to your liking, work area grit to grit 600-1200. Wait 24 hours. Buff and Admire! Finish will naturally check over time (approx. 4 weeks+)


* Applying a water based dark brown amber Tint will highlight the vintage cracking effect. For Best Results or “On The Spot” Checking” – Freeze wood for at least 4 hours and allow to come back up to room temperature. Lac R’ Shot! will check like a vintage instrument. NOTE: If room temperature is below 65 F: After removing from freezer, the immediate use of a blow dryer may be necessary to cause the desired finish checking reaction. If nozzle gets clogged, remove and soak in lacquer thinner and then use a wire or needle to clear the clogged nozzle.

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