Fill n’ Finish
Fill n’ Finish is the best pore filler, ding repair solution, and wood finish. As a Self Leveling and Flexible clear pore filler, finisher, and ding repair solution, Fill n’ Finish is your perfect go to product. Super fast, easy to use, saving you both time and money always guaranteed Fresh!
Totally Unique – Finally, a flexible, water clear wood finish, pore filler, and repair product that’s both fast and easy to use! Super long open time with zero to minimal witness lines. All Fill n’ Finish formulas are truly game changers and are ideal for all your wood finishing, builds, repairs, top coating, inlay work, marquetry, and wood turning.
Use fewer coats and get superior results with these innovative self-leveling formulas! Always faithfully fills pores and gaps and vanquishes cracks, dings and dents!
Use along with Fill n’ Finish Thin for superior drop fill and finish work. Reliably fills pores on hardwoods! Can be used as a complete wood finish. Compatible with any type of wood finish! Consistently Fresh
• Use Fewer Coats And Get Superior Results
• Dries water clear and flexible – never creeps
• Super Long open Time!
• Safe for use on all finishes, Nitro, Lacquer, Poly, urethane, and even water-based finishes
• You can shoot lacquer right over Fill n’ Finish with completely invisible results!
• 100% pure product so you get superior and stronger results along with a safer workplace
• Super Fresh – longest shelf life available anywhere
• Far less irritating
• Pin in tip cap to prevent clogging
• Use with GluBoost Accelerator for super-fast finish and repair work!
Includes 2 Whip Tips for pinpoint accuracy
Fill n’ Finish Products are very slow drying products! GluDry must be used along with ALL Fill n’ Finish products!
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Dan Erlewine, Dan Erlewine Guitar Shop (verified owner) –
“I have been using Fill n’ Finish and MasterGlu superglues and found them to be as great as the accelerator. Superior in every way.”
Linda Manzer –
I love these products. Fill n’Finish is a real game changer for finishers because it blends beautifully and invisibly with my finishes. Thank you.
Paul Miles, Director of Private Stock, Acoustics and PTC, Paul Reed Smith Guitars –
“The Fill n’ Finish filler you gave me has changed my life, I swear! You can even use it on Nitro. There is no sinking, no white marks, and no circles. Finally!!!”
Dale –
Works MUCH better than super glue or drop filling with any type of finish. Works very fast, a repair that would have taken me a day to complete was done in about one hour. Great stuff!
Edward Victor Dick – Owner, Victor Guitar, Denver CO –
Fill n’Finish is great at touching up finish, whether it be scratches, cracks or dings. Fill n’Finish fills, blends, and buffs much better than any normal finish. Sometimes we’ll even add color to it. We also use it in our guitar building classes to fill binding gaps, etc.
Rich Guerrero, RG Custom Basses –
As a first-time project, I also did an entire guitar with Fill n’ Finish. While it was quite the learning curve to do such a large area, I did a finish in days rather than weeks. So yes, I am in love with your products! They work for just about everything I can throw at them.
Aaron Keener – Owner, Crossroads Guitar Shop – Salt Lake City, UT (verified owner) –
Amazing results, super easy to use, and excellent customer service! Every guitar repair shop should stock everything Glu Boost makes!
Roger Leeth –
Was looking for the best finish for my pens and other small turnings.Tried CA glue with little success until I discovered Glue Boost. Bought the fill and finish pro, and fill and finish thin along with the accelerator used as directed, sanded to 6000 grit, finished with plastic polish and WOW! what a difference. The pen I was refinishing turned out beautiful, Glue Boost also filled two small cracks that had occurred after the initial assembly. I have used Glue Boost on four more turnings and all turned out beautiful. Thank you Glue+Boost for a great product that I will be using more and more on my lathe turnings!
Roger Leeth –
I was not happy with the ca finish on most of my pens and other small turnings. Then I discovered Glu+Boost. I purchased the fill and finish pro, the fill and finish thin, and the Glu dry accelerator. WOW! What a difference. Used as directed, wet sanded to 6000 grit finished with plastic polish. I was so impressed I disassembled one of my pens that had the previous ca finish and refinished with Glu+Boost,very happy with the results,a glass smothe finish. This will be my go-to finish on all my smaller turnings from now on. Thank you Glu+Boost for a truly great product!
Keith Brown –
Very happy with this product. I have turned over a hundred pens. I used premium CA glues as finish, but Glu+Boost outperforms them all. Minimum stinky, irritating fumes, but best of all, no blooming, pitting, and white marks from the accelerator that have to be sanded off and redone. Saves lots of time, work, and frustration. And even better, they figured out how to make caps for the bottles that don’t clog or sieze up!
I really like this product.
Peggy White –
GluBoost products are my go to in my shop! Whether I need medium or thin ca glues, or their FillnFinish products to drop-fill, pore-fill or swipe on a small burn-through, they are the best products on the market that I’ve found! The accelerator is fantastic. All products work great with the polyurethane finish I use. Highly recommend!