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GluBoost Blog

Pore filling with Fill n Finish

When it comes to clear pore filling, GluBoost Fill n Finish has a host of obvious advantages over all the other options.


The object of pore filling is to fill the pores, and only the pores, with inert, non-shrinking material.


While there have always been opaque fillers that work adequately, the more elegant look of clear filler has always been more challenging. Filling pores with evaporative finishes, such as shellac and lacquer, or with slow drying oil finishes, requires massive amounts of drying time, many coats, and a lot of sanding. Even after all that time and work, the likelihood of the finish in the pores shrinking and wrinkling down the road is a major problem.


Curing finishes, such as epoxy, two part urethanes, and polyesters, all have their own drawbacks. While they cure quickly and become inert, they are messy and difficult to handle and require lots of very tedious sanding to level the finish to the pores, and those curing finishes are notoriously hard to sand.


Fill n Finish allows you ample working time to quickly fill the pores, and remove the excess from the surrounding wood before the filler cures. Once the surface is perfect, a quick spray of GluBoost accelerator cures the material in seconds.


The process is simple. Apply a bead of Fill n Finish across the board at ninety degrees to the grain. Using a squeegee, (I use old credit cards as my squeegee) drag the Fill n Finish in the direction of the pores, filling them as you go. Wipe any excess off the squeegee and repeat the dragging process if there’s excess on the wood surface.


When the pores are filled and most or all the excess has been removed from the surface, a light spray of accelerator cures the filler almost instantly. If you’ve missed a few pores or they did not fill completely, simply repeat the process, concentrating on those areas that need tweaking.


About fifteen minutes after spraying the accelerator, you can do a light sanding with 320 grit paper to ensure that no excess filler remains outside the pores. This sanding process also lets you easily see if you have level, completely filled pores.


After sanding, you can immediately start applying finish. One of the big advantages of Fill n Finish is that it is compatible and stable under any finish, either evaporative or curing.


In short, this method is quick, easy, and correctable, and gives you a beautiful, clear fill that holds up indefinitely under any finish, whether rubbed to satin or polished to high gloss.


To see a short video of this process in action, click here https://gluboost.com/pore-filling-overview/.


– Master Woodworker and Finishing Expert


Manufacturers Note 


GluBoost Loves Wood!  GluBoost products are highly specialized cyanoacrylate adhesives, accelerators, tints and accessories and are particularly optimized for Lutherie, Woodturning and Woodworking.  While GluBoost products bear some resemblance to other products, GluBoost formulas elevate performance high above other CA products, common super glues, accelerators, and color tints for Lutherie, Woodturning and Woodworking. 


We thank you for your many years of patronage and we look forward to bringing you many more years of innovative and game changing products. 


– The GluBoost Team

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