The frustrating job of filling a finish flaw, drop filling, is made so much easier using Fill N’ Finish. It is a life saver!
Long ago when I was in school to learn the craft of lutherie, I became aware of the task called drop filling. In those “olden days” our options for filling fish-eyes, cracks or depressions in lacquer finishes was dropping more lacquer into the flaw. (It was the same technique for any type of finish, varnish, shellac, etc.) It was tedious, time-consuming work – and as the dropped finish kept off-gassing and shrinking it was a frustrating technique.
Using early cyanoacrylate products solved the shrinkage problem but added a whole new challenge as it cured so quickly that it often mar犀利士
ked the finish around the area being drop filled, it was hard to control regarding volume of liquid dispensed as well as other problems.
This small void in the finish of the oak board needs to be drop-filled.
That all changed with the development of GluBoost Fill N’ Finish. Its long open time (basically until sprayed with GluDry) allows so much better control during drop filling that it makes a frustrating job so much easier. You can wipe off excess, allow it to wick into unseen cracks and openings and then spray the hardener just when you want to. And their innovative Whip Tips adds incredible accuracy and control when filling a void, a great product.
Using a Whip Tip attached to the Fill N’ Finish bottle allows me to perfectly drop fill the void in one application.
The controlled application reduces sanding, speeds up the process and generally turns this often necessary step into a manageable event.
The technique is self-evident. When the void in the finish is identified, place a small amount of the product into the void. I mask off around the void if possible using EndPoint Mark + Mask system. Fill the void and try to get the Fill N’ Finish just above the level of the existing finish. The spray with GluDry. Sand the area, and if it is not quite level with the finish, apply a bit more Fill N’ Finish.
The void perfectly filled and hardened using GluDry is ready for sanding.
When the void is filled, all you need to do is sand and apply finish to hide the repair. A frustrating job made easy.
–Rob Johnstone – Master Woodworker
Manufacturers Note
GluBoost Loves Wood! GluBoost products are highly specialized cyanoacrylate adhesives, accelerators, tints and accessories and are particularly optimized for Lutherie, Woodturning and Woodworking. While GluBoost products bear some resemblance to other products, GluBoost formulas elevate performance high above other CA products, common super glues, accelerators, and color tints for Lutherie, Woodturning and Woodworking.
We thank you for your many years of patronage and we look forward to bringing you many more years of innovative and game changing products.
– The GluBoost Team
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